Leadership is about making others better as a result
of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in you absence.
Tamarack Coaching supports executives and leaders to step up and into their greatness for significant advancement in their leadership, life and careers through greater self-awareness, influence, impact and results for themselves, their teams and their organizations.
The Executive Coaching Engagement process used has earned a 100% Client-company Re-engagement Rate and 100% Client Growth Assessment for more than 15 years. Personalized, comprehensive one-on-one coaching engagements focus on the personal and professional development of the whole individual. This type of support allows us to deep dive into challenges and opportunities, gain greater self-awareness, clarify goals and unlock potential while providing the client a neutral and supportive sounding board.
Executive coaching engagements are typically 6 to 12 months depending on the individual client needs and desired outcomes.
Benefits of Executive Coaching include: